little dipper - translation to ελληνικό
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little dipper - translation to ελληνικό

Little Dipper; Ursa Minor constellation; The Little Dipper; Ursa Minor (constellation); UMi; Ursa minor; Lesser Wain; The Little Bear; 3 Ursae Minoris; 6 Ursae Minoris; 9 Ursae Minoris; 10 Ursae Minoris; 12 Ursae Minoris; 14 Ursae Minoris; 17 Ursae Minoris; 19 Ursae Minoris; 20 Ursae Minoris; 24 Ursae Minoris; U Ursae Minoris; V Ursae Minoris; UY Ursae Minoris; VX Ursae Minoris; HR 286; HR 4683; HR 4950; HR 5073; HR 5139; HR 5334; HR 5479; HR 5629; HR 5672; HR 5691; HR 5844; HR 6034; HR 6088; HR 6173; HR 6191; HR 6238; HR 6267; HR 6529
  • NGC 6217
  • access-date=13 February 2012}}</ref> a set of constellation maps published in London c. 1825
  • The constellation Ursa Minor as it can be seen by the naked eye (with connections and label added). Notice the seven stars of Ursa Major that form the Big Dipper and then make a line from the outermost Big Dipper stars (sometimes called the "pointers") to Polaris.
  • Ursa Minor and Ursa Major in relation to Polaris

little dipper         
μικρή άρκτος [ζώδιο]
Ursa Minor         
μικρή άρκτος [ζώδιο]
lesser wain         
μικρή άρκτος [ζώδιο]


ursa minor
[L.] (Astron.) The Little Bear, the Lesser Bear.


Ursa Minor

Ursa Minor (Latin: 'Lesser Bear', contrasting with Ursa Major), also known as the Little Bear, is a constellation located in the far northern sky. As with the Great Bear, the tail of the Little Bear may also be seen as the handle of a ladle, hence the North American name, Little Dipper: seven stars with four in its bowl like its partner the Big Dipper. Ursa Minor was one of the 48 constellations listed by the 2nd-century astronomer Ptolemy, and remains one of the 88 modern constellations. Ursa Minor has traditionally been important for navigation, particularly by mariners, because of Polaris being the north pole star.

Polaris, the brightest star in the constellation, is a yellow-white supergiant and the brightest Cepheid variable star in the night sky, ranging in apparent magnitude from 1.97 to 2.00. Beta Ursae Minoris, also known as Kochab, is an aging star that has swollen and cooled to become an orange giant with an apparent magnitude of 2.08, only slightly fainter than Polaris. Kochab and 3rd-magnitude Gamma Ursae Minoris have been called the "guardians of the pole star" or "Guardians of The Pole". Planets have been detected orbiting four of the stars, including Kochab. The constellation also contains an isolated neutron star—Calvera—and H1504+65, the hottest white dwarf yet discovered, with a surface temperature of 200,000 K.